Manitoba Association of

AI Professionals


MAAIP supports Manitoba’s AI community, collaborates with industry, liaises with government, and promotes AI innovation, education, and the defense of Open Source AI in the region.

Making Manitoba an AI Hub

By fostering a vibrant community of AI professionals, encouraging innovation, collaboration, and education, we aim to establish Manitoba as a leading hub for AI development and application.

Government Advocacy

MAAIP engages with government bodies to advocate for: safe AI adoption, support for AI Professionals, policies that encourage AI innovation, and the strong defense of Open Source AI.

Resources for Professionals

We equip our members with essential AI resources, including cutting-edge tools, networking opportunities, educational materials and expert guidance to advance their AI knowledge and professional growth.


Our mission is to build and empower AI excellence in Manitoba

MAAIP is dedicated to establishing Manitoba as an AI powerhouse by empowering professionals through education, resources, and collaboration, while advocating for ethical AI practices and fostering strong industry-government partnerships for sustainable AI growth and innovation.

Foster Manitoba AI Talent

Advocate Ethical AI Practices

Facilitate Industry-Government Collaboration

Support Local AI Professionals

Defense of Open Source AI

MAAIP Launch Event!


Join us for the Manitoba Association of AI Professionals’ (MAAIP) launch event, showcasing AI innovation in Manitoba. Connect with AI professionals, researchers, and industry leaders as you explore how AI is transforming industries. Enjoy keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, while learning from top experts about Manitoba’s AI breakthroughs and challenges.


Our Board Members

Board Chair || IntouchCX - SVP AI Strategy

Harry Roy McLaughlin

Board Member || Co-founder at Purpose Led AI

Josefina Bilotta

Board Member || Sr. Data Analytics Specialist at SkipTheDishes

Gisela Sanchez

Board Member || VP Data Science and Analytics (Retired)

Gaetan Ruest

Board Member || Sr. AI Product Manager at Proscia

Casey Wahl

Board Member || SVP - AI & Digital Strategy at Canada Life

Loretta Kulchycki

Board Member || Sr. Director of ML and AI at LotLinx

Nick Hurrie

Resources for AI Professionals

Memberships are free for 2024

AI Conferences

Stay up to date with AI Conferences across the globe and get discounts on tickets.

AI Research

Get access to the latest AI research with summaries and insights

Free AI Tools

Get free credits for AI services from Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. As well as discounts for tools such as ChatGPT Premium, Midjourney, and

AI Advocacy

Get involved with MAAIP's AI advocacy actions. Be part of government and industry discussion panels and participate in lobbying efforts. Have your voice amplified by MAAIP and be seen as a thought leader in AI.

Career Assistance

Get access and insights to exciting AI jobs in Manitoba and connect with businesses at networking events.


Join MAAIP as a founding member

For the founding year of MAAIP, membership is entirely free for all Manitoba AI Professionals who wish to join.


Manitoba AI News

The Vision

Mission Statement

To empower and unite AI professionals in Manitoba through fostering innovation, collaboration, and ethical practices in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to provide a dynamic platform for learning, networking, and career development, while actively advocating for the advancement and responsible use of AI technologies. We are committed to bridging the gap between AI professionals and the wider community, ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible and beneficial to all. Our main goal is to create a thriving AI ecosystem in Manitoba that nurtures talent, supports growth, and contributes to global advancements in AI, while maintaining a strong focus on the ethical implications and societal impacts of these technologies.